Interested firms are required to submit the documents listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP), Instruction to Consultants, 3.4 and 3.6 (page 22) on or before the deadline. Each submission should include the name and address of the firm and shall be clearly identified as: “Recruitment of Consultancy Firm for Capacity Building of National Designated Authority and Preparation of Country Strategic Framework, Belize”.
Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal must be submitted as two (2) separate PDF files, via email to:
The deadline for the submission of proposals is on or before 2:00pm (GMT-6), Wednesday 6th September 2017
For queries regarding the Procurement documents and submission process, email:
Attention: Ms. Allison Williams Procurement Officer (Ag.) Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Please see links below for more information.


CCCCC Consultancy Belize     CCCCC Request for Proposals