On June 24, 2020, the LXX Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors from the Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama (INCAP) was held virtually, in which the Dominican Republic handed over to the Pro Tempore Presidency of the INCAP Board of Directors for the period 2020-2021 to Belize. Dr. George Gough, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Health accepted the Presidency on behalf of the Minister of Health, Hon. Pablo Saúl Marín.
Among the commitments assumed by the Pro Tempore Presidency of the INCAP Board of Directors, compliance will be done with the main policies, plans and strategies of INCAP and SICA through the integration of the Central American region and the Dominican Republic. The Pro Tempore Presidency will support decision-making with public policies in the región aimed at improving nutrition and food security, promoting strategies such as nutritional labeling and prevention of malnutrition.
In addition, the meeting’s agenda included the presentation of INCAP’s Annual Work Plan and Financial Report, for the year 2019. Updated reports will be shared on the Institutional Strategic Plan 2020-2024, the Annual Operational Plan, and 2020 Budget.
The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Health and Delegates from the countries of Central America and the Dominican Republic.