With support from COL’s Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) initiative, the University of Belize is now offering an online Master’s Programme in Educational Leadership specially adapted and designed to meet the needs of Belizean learners and strengthen lecturers’ skills in online course development and delivery. A total of 38 educators from across Belize enrolled in the programme. In January 2019, they attended a face-to-face orientation session to discuss plans for the new semester and become familiar with the first two core courses in their programme of study.
VUSSC course materials are available freely for reuse and adaptation to the specific context of each country. Educational institutions offering VUSSC courses also receive help from COL to implement quality open and distance learning systems and practices. By expanding access to learning, VUSSC enables small states in the Commonwealth to become active contributors to global development and leaders in educational reform through the innovative use of information and communication technologies.
For more information, please contact the COL Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) or the University of Belize.